【メール便送料無料】【Aポイント付】DBWYB001037402.2,2007/12/25 発売,アメリカ盤,収録曲:,(ミュージカル),1. Overture - 4:09,2. The Happiest Man in Town - 2:53,3. The Brain - 4:59,4. Please Don't Touch Me - 4:00,5. Together Again - 3:50,6. Roll in the Hay - 3:35,7. Join the Family Business - 4:18,8. He Vas My Boyfriend - 3:15,9. Life, Life - 3:19,10. Welcome to Transylvania - 1:12,11. Transylvania Mania - 4:34,12. He's Loose - 1:58,13. Listen to Your Heart - 2:52,14. Surprise - 4:00,15. Please Send Me Someone - 2:52,16. Man About Town - 1:48,17. Puttin' On the Ritz - 4:27,18. Deep Love - 3:14,19. Frederick's Soliloquy - 0:48,20. Finale Ultimo - 2:54,21. Alone - 1:54,
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